In a press conference yesterday at FABD house, Pengiran Haji Matusin said, “The Registrar of Societies (RoS) has taken action that has caused myself and the Secretary General to not be involved in any affairs of football in the country.”
He shared the letter sent to the FABD by the FIFA and AFC in a joint communique.

FIFA request FABD to communicate this letter to the authority requesting that they provide FIFA and AFC before November 21, 2023 with valid justification of the dismissal of president and the General Secretary of FABD."
If no valid justification is provided to FIFA and AFC prior to the deadline, we will have no other alternative but to view the alleged dismissal as an attempt of undue third party interference and violation of the above articles.
In case of such violations FABD may have to be suspended in accordance with article 16 of the FIFA statutes resulting in FABD losing all it’s membership rights .